Moses - Digital Coloring Book
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Vol. 1 Moses - 47 pages.
Books Covered: Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
- Moses' mother prepares an ark
- Moses and burning bush
- A new pharaoh ruled Egypt
- Making bricks
- Aaron holds out his rod
- Frogs all over!
- Lice, flies, cattle, boils, locusts
- Putting blood on lintels of doors
- Eating Passover
- Moses at Red SeaBitter water
- QuailMannaMoses on mountain
- Altar of stones
- Golden calf
- High Priest, AaronArk of Covenant
- Jesus our high priest
- Nadab and Abihu
- Aaron and Miriam
- Joshua and CalebSnake on pole
- Balaam's donkey
- New leader, Joshua
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