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About The Show & Tell Bible

This number one children's picture Bible covers all the stories and all the books. Developed by Bible class teachers as a visual teaching aid, it is an effortless way to teach the Bible. Children love to watch it, gaining Bible knowledge in an amazingly short time. WATCH FOR THE NEXT VIDEO, THE BOOK OF ACTS, COMING SOON. After that, we will release the Gospels in sections. The DVDs are now on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe to our channel.


Why It's The Best

Most picture Bibles have lots of words and not many pictures. We've reversed that. The Show & Tell Bible has over 2,000 pictures with not many words. Seven hours of pictures, pictures, pictures! Children stay attentive, "glued" to the screen, soaking up Bible knowledge.


The Holy Bible wasn't written to be made like a movie. Therefore, this is not a movie, which would require adding words to "fill in" the stories. The Bible follows the ASV for its information. It is narrated in English and Spanish with subtitles in both languages.


Children become fascinated with the Bible when they watch this simplified version on DVD. Told in an accurate, entertaining way, it promotes understanding and motivates further Bible reading/study.


The Show and Tell Bible gives viewers a visual of each story, building a solid background of Bible knowledge.


The show and tell method is the best way to teach a child. "A thorough knowledge of the Bible is better than a college education." Theodore Roosevelt. 


Who are we?

We are a group of non-denominational teachers, preachers, parents, and Bible students, concerned that people don't know Bible stories—even though the Bible is the #1 world's best seller. We want to help spread God's word by providing a Bible accessible to all. In creating it, we made every effort to accurately represent the text, while presenting it in a fun and entertaining way. Meet us on our Pinterest page.


Why an audio-visual Bible?

This was the only way to effectively use the show and tell teaching method. The activity book follows up by involving the student.


Copyright © 2005 - 2025, Bedrock Video Productions LLC

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